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Thinking of fostering?Call us on 0208 690 9012 8am-6pm weekdaysor email us at


Children make good progress from their starting points, in all areas of their lives. They feel part of the fostering families they live with and, in some cases, the foster families extended family. This helps children to feel valued and welcomed. 

The agency provides very good support for foster carers. Several carers said how much they value this and that there is always someone they can speak to. This support helps carers to provide good foster homes even when situations become challenging. 

Foster Carers and the agency provide good emotional support for children. Children readily approach their foster carers for emotional warmth. The PACE principles of parenting (playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy) are also used to create emotional safety for children. 

Children benefit from improved physical and emotional health. Foster carers work closely with specialist medical teams such as sexual health clinics and child and adolescent mental health services.